In additional to hosting
several solo exhibitions per year, Box Heart has also developed two
distinctive group exhibitions that respond to a direct theme.
1. Box Heart's Art Inter/National Exhibition occurs
each January. A juried, group exhibition that combines artists from
across the United States and around the world in an exhibition that
considers space and how it impacts the creative
2. Box Heart's Sacred Art Exhibition occurs
each summer, either July or August. A juried, group exhibition that
explores an artist's interpretation of the sacred.
The basis for an invitation to participate in
either the Art Inter/National Exhibition or The Sacred
Art Exhibition is sensitive to the diversity of work submitted;
Box Heart Gallery strives to recognize that artists make art for
different reasons and from different experiences. Box Heart looks
closely for works that convey evidence of personal creative
explorations and artistic commitment that directly relate to the
purpose of the exhibition. A large part of determining the artist's
commitment to the exhibition's theme rests solely on their ability
to convey this evidence through the artist statement. The execution
of the art work - as related to the artist's intention - is then
considered. The depth to which an artist's work both reflects and
enhances their vision determines a "Best of Show"
We welcome any questions artists
may have about these exhibitions and our jury procedures.
Artists are encouraged to apply for these exhibition via
email using the format for digital submissions found on each
prospectus. The artist application is a fill in .pdf form.
Artists that have difficulty accessing and downloading the
application from our website can request to have it
- To view the prospectus for either of these
exhibitions, please use the links above: Art
Inter/National or Sacred
- To obtain the application, use the link
above for Application. Our artist application is
now a fill in .pdf form.
- To view the most recent artists
selected to exhibit use the link above for
- To view artists that
received awards for their art work in these exhibitions, use the
link above for Best of Show.
- To view all
the artists that participated in these exhibitions over the years,
use the link above for Past