The history of the symbols, we are using nowdays, dates back to the ancient times. These symbols have existed as long as humanity.
These signs are sacred and carry a special magical information, they bring good luck, protect and make our dreams come true.
Scarf "The Bird"
(design from the painting "Dreams")
The circles on the painting symbolize fertility, motherhood, plethora and are associated with the feminine energy Yin. A circle is also the symbol of the sun, "the heart of the world".
In ancient times, clothes were embroidered or painted with ornaments for protection as well as to attract the gods of good luck and fortune. In ancient times, people used to attribute certain information to things. A heart, for instance, meant a declaration of love. Circles, flowers, leaves are the symbols of life, power,growth, movement and health. A peacock on the scarf is the symbol of pride, wisdom and beauty. Flowers are the symbol of a newborn baby and the natural beauty. Since the Renaissance time, lilies have been the symbol of good news in the art and also the masculine energy Yang. Since ancient times, the lotus flower has been the symbol of life and happiness and the symbol of purity. The lotus flower lives in three elements - earth, water and air like people living in three worlds: material, intellectual and spiritual. Lotus flowers grow only in clean water.In ancient Egypt, a blue lotus, that blossoms in the afternoon and closes in the evening, was considered to be the symbol of the dawn and awakening.
Scarf "Tiare"
The major symbol and the highlight of the new limited summer collection is the Tiare flower.This flower can be found only on the islands of French Polynesia. The Tiare flowerhas a special significance for the Tahitians: it is used as adecoration, a wonderful oil is made from this flower and wearing Tiare flower indicates relationship status of men and women. According to the local legends, this flower is a sacred and beloved attribute of the local gods.The colour chosen for the flower isa bright and summery turquoise-green,like the ocean.We seea skate smoothly moving through the water; it keeps the artist’s small secret. The palm trees, the typical bungalows and the entire diversity of the aquaticsea life of the divine Bora Bora Island are depicted on the scarf. The Tiare flower is flawless and it rises high above the rest of the world of nature demonstrating its beauty and a magical power. It is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful flowers in the world. Limited collection. Made in Italy, silk 100%, excusive design. |
Scarf "Russian dance"
(design from the painting "Russian dance")
The source of inspiration is the nature itself. Admiring the nature, we notice its infinite variety of shapes, designs, colors and shades. Stylization is the art and ability to watch, to choose, to see the world around us in your own way, and, based on the natures harmony, create different variations of the beauty around us. Flowers are the harmony of nature. They bring us happiness, joy and positive energy. Dancing of the flowers is a swirling and rhythmic motion in harmony with nature. In many myths, God creates the world through dancing. A dance is the symbol of the universe and creation. The art is perceived through movement. The rhythm of a dance is a cosmic movement, accumulation and concentration of power and energy. A Russian dance is a circle dance. It is associated with the images of the Russian nature, work and everyday life. The painting depicts the intertwined flowers dancing in a circle.We are planning to hold a series of art exhibitions dedicated to the theme Russian style. The painting "Russian dance" is filled with a combination of blue, turquoise and red colours. There are numerous patterns in the Russian style and beautifully expressed details. The painting shows joy and happiness. |
Scarf "Music of Love"
(design from the painting "Music of Love")
The style of the painting is the figurative abstract art and cubism.
Various details - rectangles, ovals, circles, musical instruments and the sun - everything seems to overlap and intertwine.
The world of music is perceived through the geometric shapes and figures.
The painting was inspired by the movie "The Concert" where the Violin Concerto, Op. 35, by Tchaikovsky is played.
A mixed technique is used: acrylic paint, tempera, musical notes and "The Violin Concerto Op.35" as the background.
The painting depicts a violin, as a predominant musical instrument, which embraces the cello. The violin personifies the woman and the cello personifies the man.
This painting is about love and music, two integral parts of the art, which intertwine on the canvas and convey to us the love for beauty.
The lines highlight the melody and rhythm.
The painting is bright and joyful. |